DID Issuer Page (Department of Defense or OEMs) AppFor Enterprise Supply Chain Management

DID Issuer Account:

  • Create a NeoPUF USB Dongle / HSM signing delegate for the connected DID Issuer Account
  • Bind DID Issuer EVM address (derivative of SECP256K1) with Signer SECP256R1 (or P-256) Public key
  • Delegation can be time-bound. The identity owner (i.e. its DID issuer) can set an expiration date for the delegates authority, ensuring that the delegation is temporary and needs to be renewed periodically
  • Register the binding to ERC1056 smart contract
  • The identity owner has the power to revoke the delegation at any time, effectively removing the delegates authority to act on behalf of the identity.
  • This revocation is also recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and security.
  • Delegate signers add a layer of security and flexibility, and with PUF USB, Delegate signers private keys are neither be exposed or accessed
  • The identity owner (i.e. its DID issuer) does not need to use their private key for every transaction, reducing the risk of key exposure.

Example ImageExample Image

delegate signer secp256 r1 address:

delegate signer secp256 r1 public key: