DID Issuer Page (Department of Defense or OEMs) AppFor Enterprise Supply Chain Management
DID Issuer Account:
- Create a NeoPUF USB Dongle / HSM signing delegate for the connected DID Issuer Account
- Bind DID Issuer EVM address (derivative of SECP256K1) with Signer SECP256R1 (or P-256) Public key
- Delegation can be time-bound. The identity owner (i.e. its DID issuer) can set an expiration date for the delegates authority, ensuring that the delegation is temporary and needs to be renewed periodically
- Register the binding to ERC1056 smart contract
- The identity owner has the power to revoke the delegation at any time, effectively removing the delegates authority to act on behalf of the identity.
- This revocation is also recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and security.
- Delegate signers add a layer of security and flexibility, and with PUF USB, Delegate signers private keys are neither be exposed or accessed
- The identity owner (i.e. its DID issuer) does not need to use their private key for every transaction, reducing the risk of key exposure.
delegate signer secp256 r1 address:
delegate signer secp256 r1 public key: